zexied2y ago

Can't port forward for some reason

So I'm trying to port forward my rust server (video game not programming language) on port 28015 to play with some friends but I cant seem to get it working. I've exhausted pretty much all of my options like tweaking the firewall rules and changing various other settings. I'm using a tp-link archer c54 router and a comtrend ar-5220u modem and I even went as far as port forwarding on my modem too. I started to suspect that my ISP was blocking ports so I called them and they basically just told me they don't know and to call my router company. Also when I check to see if my port is forwarded on canyouseeme.org it tells me it can't see my service on port 28015 and connection times out. I'm just confused because I did everything properly and followed guide's on portforwarding but it still won't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you!
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31 Replies
w33t2y ago
So, this sounds like it may be a double-nat situation. If your modem has the ability to port forward, you may want to put it into a "pass-through" or "transparent" mode so your archer is your main router facing the internet. It appears that for comtrend ar-5220u, it's specifically referenced as "bridge mode". Just be aware that it'll merely be the bridge between the ADSL line and your tp-link archer, so don't go too wild with the port opening, etc. I suspect that after you do that, it'll work just fine.
zexied2y ago
So should I port forward on my router and modem or just my router?
w33t2y ago
Just your archer router and put your modem into bridge mode. Then make sure your cable goes from a white WAN port on your modem to the router, if it has it Oh ignore the white WAN part, just have it go from ETH 1 on the modem to the router's blue WAN port
zexied2y ago
Also I'm not seeing any "pass through" or "transparent options on my modem and I can't find any guides for my specific modem but I suspect this may have something to do with it?
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w33t2y ago
It'll be bridging but hold on Since it's pppoe, you may need to reach out to your ISP and get your PPPOE credentials and then set your WAN port to PPPOE and input those creds
Arcane2y ago
@weet has reached level 1. GG!
w33t2y ago
Basically what'll ha- fuck off arcane Basically what'll happen, is your router will reach out through your modem, authenticate with your ISP using PPPOE and then pull down the IP and related information
zexied2y ago
Oh ok
zexied2y ago
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zexied2y ago
This is my current WAN setup I'm already using PPPoE
w33t2y ago
Yeah but PPPoE needs to happening on the router and your modem needs to be in bridge mode I'm not sure about that specific modem model but I had a VDSL2 modem at my last place. I put my PPPoE creds into my FortiGate and my modem in bridge mode, so it'd handle everything and the modem was basically invisible
zexied2y ago
So just make a new WAN service with the bridging box checked?
w33t2y ago
Gonna be honest, I'm not entirely sure with that modem, specifically You may wanna give your ISP a call and talk to a tech, they may give you better direction. Tell them you want your modem in bridge mode and you want your router to pull PPPoE creds so you're not doing double NAT
zexied2y ago
Oh ok Thanks
w33t2y ago
Yeah, any time. If they're not very helpful, you can probably figure it out with a lot of trial and error but it'll be a little tedious