fps problem
i have an rx 570 but my fps drops in some games?? my previous 750ti could get 100+ fps in league but my rx 570 is hanging around 65 and seeing it dipping to 55???
i5 2400
rx 570
8gb ram + 8gb-32gb pagefile
2 ssds
is it a cpu problem?

32 Replies
these are my AMD settings

Try lowering the anisotropic level to 4x or 2x, because that is known for dropping fps in order to get a better quality image
also turn off morphological anti-aliasing
yea but
my 750ti had way more fps
my rx570 should be able to handle league way better
like 5x better
maybe more
its better to use the presets
and reset everything to default
its a cpu issue
i only have 4 cores and 4 threads
if it is then ig its fine
im saving up money again for an i7 3770
Settings can impact a card's performance. Did you uninstall the nvidia drivers, too? I'd adjust the ansiotropic filtering down to 2x because it has huge performance impacts at 16x.
i used DDU
then i shutdown the pc
waited a day
got the gpu
installed the drivers
i sold my 750ti
Good deal. Yeah, just tweak those settings a bit and it should help quite a bit
u sure?
theres no way morphological anti aliasing kills fps
No, it definitely does
if it did then it would specify...
Would it, though?
I don't know why it is even set that high to begin with
these advanced settings mostly affect dx9 games right?
No, it is not limited to dx9 games lol
Think of it as nvidia control panel

is this better
Yeah, give that a shot and see how your FPS is now
I really think that'll help a lot
1 more question
this.. radeon enhanced sync
is it normal that it literally makes my games stutter
and be slow
Honestly, I don't know. The last AMD gpu I had was before they ever rolled that out. I'd do some googling. If anything, turn it off and see if it helps but do it after testing the changes made from disabling ansiotropic filtering, etc just to kind of help narrow down where the issue is/was
i rlly noticed it while i was playing f1 22
i was getting 80+ fps but it felt 45-ish
i turned it off and felt way smoother
same thing for nfs unbound and LoL
I'd probably leave it off, then
for nfs unbound it made the game slower, literally.
I had to go back to F1 21 because the AI in 22 was so jacked up. Glad they put development time into cars in a virtual house instead of VR performance optimizations
i keep it at 70 diff
i use a controller
There was a bug early on where the AI would gain speed on the straights and it was impossible to pass them. It was weird getting passed by a Williams while in a Redbull 

But yeah, try those settings and see how it feels. Hopefully that'll make it run better
1 more question
sorry to bother
what do u prefer
radeon anti lag or radeon boost
since i can only select 1
anti lag reduces input lag while boost dynamically changes resolution
Hmmm I'd personally probably go with anti lag, especially if you're playing F1
ty for ur help
Yeah, any time! Glad we could help