Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago

python scapy

from scapy.all import sniff, NetflowSession, TCPSession, IPSession

my_session = NetflowSession()

test = sniff(count=50, prn= lambda x:x.summary())

test = my_session._ip_process_packet(test)

from scapy.all import sniff, NetflowSession, TCPSession, IPSession

my_session = NetflowSession()

test = sniff(count=50, prn= lambda x:x.summary())

test = my_session._ip_process_packet(test)

what does ._ip_process_packet(test) do ?
2 Replies
DirtyJ3y ago
@Deleted User looks like that method just extracts info from the packets. Here's the source:
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
bu it doesn't this function takes an iterable whenever i send it an iterable it just returns that iterable it doesn't do anything

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