Deleted User
Deleted User3y ago

HELP My keyboard isn’t working internal and external

One of my keys weren’t working so I tried updating my keyboard in task manager and after my whole keyboard stop working and wasn’t able to type any after I tried updating again and made the changes for HID keyboard to compatible and changes in PA keyboards now my external keyboard what I was using isn’t working rn too idk what to do please help
29 Replies
DirtyJ3y ago
Couple of questions for ya: 1. What kind of keyboard? 2. When you mention "updating my keyboard in task manager", could you elaborate on what specific options within the task manager you selected?
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
Internal pc keyboard and external keyboard both ain’t working and I miss spelled I meant device manager where I put HID keyboard
DirtyJ3y ago
Gotcha, what model of keyboard is it Most likely, if you disabled/uninstalled/updated the driver directly within device manager, you'll need to go grab the driver from the manufacturer and reinstall it If you're lucky, Windows update will grab the driver for you upon rebooting
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
so whatcha mean is all I have to do is update my windows
DirtyJ3y ago
*update your specific keyboard's drivers Windows update might do it, but that is not guaranteed and it might use a generic driver Best bet is to go on the keyboard manufacturer's site and download their driver
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
So this was my keyboard I’m so confused rn
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DirtyJ3y ago
send a picture of the keyboard
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
like picture of my keys ?
DirtyJ3y ago
of the whole keyboard
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
Like this?
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DirtyJ3y ago
This whole time I thought you were talking about some type of wired keyboard lol You'll have to check on your laptop manufacturer's site for the keyboard drivers if they have any
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
wired keyboard ain’t working too
DirtyJ3y ago
If they don't have keyboard drivers listed, then reaching out to their support team will be the safest bet to make sure you don't get any weird drivers what kind of wired keyboard
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
Like any? I have a Logitech one with me rn someone suggested me to open USB DEVIEW It will identify your keyboard by name And will tell you if it's plugged in
DirtyJ3y ago
If it's happening for all keyboards, then you likely have a slightly bigger issue at hand. I'd start by scanning for hardware changes (in device manager) then restart Windows Windows should provide a generic driver for most keyboards after that restart
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
I did it but dk what to do next lemme do it again Should I stream on discord?
DirtyJ3y ago
I got a pizza on the way in like 2 minutes, so I'm just gonna give you every option I can think of real quick In an administrator powershell run:
Repair-Windowsimage -online -restorehealth
Repair-Windowsimage -online -restorehealth
sfc /scannow
sfc /scannow
afterwards restart and see if your keyboard works If it still doesn't work after that, plug in the Logitech keyboard, go to their site, and download their drivers and give that a shot Other than that, your laptop manufacturer will be the best resource for getting that proprietary keyboard driver Best of luck to ya o7
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
alright thank you I’ll give it a try Lmk when your back
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
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Deleted UserOP3y ago
who paying you 50 for that ow fair enough can we be friends? Eman, Raju, Adam whatever your name is Tf God Are u in police Reika? shi What’s your qualifications No like you went to some institutions and did your UG or smth Damn ok cool can I learn from you I’m a cse grad student shit sounds like a fiction movie Fr Add me Reina Bro you done? @unkn0wn_s0und If not how long will it take Yes So you gonna send the drive?
DirtyJ3y ago
Just as a quick note, I'd strongly recommend just asking your manufacturer for a copy of the original driver and reinstalling it rather than getting some third-party one
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
what issue shud I raise it to the tech support crew
DirtyJ3y ago
Let them know that you uninstalled your keyboard drivers and that you would like a copy of the original driver Also would be worth describing your symptoms to them as well in case they've seen reports of this on their end and have a known solution
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
Hmm Should I delete my current driver than?
DirtyJ3y ago
Didn't you already do that? if you have the driver, just reinstall it
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
It still don’t work I cracked HID one compatible sumthing It turned this way Pc/At driver all are not working But the scan say it’s fine That’s why I’m confuse
DirtyJ3y ago
If you suspect a driver issue after making some changes in there, then uninstalling the keyboard drivers and letting windows re-install them would be a method of troubleshooting: However, since your laptop keyboard is a proprietary device, your manufacturer will be the best resource to obtain the exact drivers that you need Also looks like you have a bunch of firmware that's showing in a warning state in that screenshot, which also may be related So if you have your manufacturer's firmware update tool, give that a go too
Deleted User
Deleted UserOP3y ago
Hey if you don’t mind can you guide me in a vc and I would stream from my pc what to do please?
w33t3y ago
Because it is lol

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