jameslol2y ago

Programming Language first or learning hardware CYBERSECURITY

Yo yall, so I want to go into cybersecurity, and I found this map that tells me where to go. https://roadmap.sh/cyber-security I see that programming language is at the very last..? What do you guys think? Is this a map I should follow?
Cyber Security Roadmap: Learn to become a Cyber Security Expert
Community driven, articles, resources, guides, interview questions, quizzes for cyber security. Learn to become a modern Cyber Security Expert by following the steps, skills, resources and guides listed in this roadmap.
2 Replies
Mitzu2y ago
While that one does seem very well thought out, here’s another option that a lot of people have liked https://pauljerimy.com/security-certification-roadmap/
Paul Jerimy
Paul Jerimy Media
Security Certification Roadmap - Paul Jerimy Media
IT Security Certification Roadmap charting security implementation, architecture, management, analysis, offensive, and defensive operation certifications.
Someone2y ago
A lot of buzz about simple things. Just do it 😄 fail fast fail often learn from it and keep going, step by step every day > overthewire (for how linux,network,web works)> Hackthebox> thm