filteredd15mo ago

Infected w malware

So I got hacked via discord, I know who did it, they don’t speak english, they bought boosts thru my account, got into my email, and infected me with a trojan malware, what can i do? The trojan is currently quarantined
22 Replies
Cyber Forum
Cyber Forum15mo ago
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From An unknown user
Wagon15mo ago
There will be three things I recommend doing, One is to make sure you have changed your password on Discord and make sure 2FA is enabled; below, I will link Discord resources on how to do that. Second Regarding the malware, I would follow the procedures outlined in the CISA's resource I link below. Third, you can attempt to get your money back from the boosts by contacting Discord via a support request using the link below.
Setting up Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA for short) is a good way to add an extra layer of security to your Discord account to make sure that only you have the ability to log in. The Setup Process Start by c...
Wagon15mo ago
Also outlined in that CISA document is some useful links to improve your personal security practices and prevent an incident like this again.
filteredd15mo ago
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filteredd15mo ago
The thing, I have no idea how this even happened in the first place
Wagon15mo ago
As in how they breached your discord?
filteredd15mo ago
Yes I’m currently in their discord it’s all russian people
Wagon15mo ago
Have you downloaded any suspicious files or clicked any unusual links recently? One of the most common ways they gain access is by having you click a link that will grab your auth token, and they can use that to gain access without needing your password or 2FA. This is another excellent resource that outlines some of the ways people fraudulently gain access to your account.
Tips to Prevent Spam and Hacking | Discord
Learn tips on how to protect your account against spam and hacking.
filteredd15mo ago
Nope. Been playing a game the past 5 hours. Then got logged out of my discord an hour ago Should i press Action>remove ? it’s quarantined at the moment
Wagon15mo ago
I would focus on the remediation of the incident now and then read up on the best security practices from both the CISA document I shared and then discords blog post. And yes, I would do Action > Remove. I would also recommend following the rest of the steps outlined in the PDF
filteredd15mo ago
So after it’s removed, should i be good? Already set up 2FA on discord and changed passwords to my email and discord
Wagon15mo ago
I cannot say whether your AV will have mitigated the issue wholly, you may be fine. But my recommendation is to follow all the steps ins the CISA doc for the best chance of complete eradication and recovery.
filteredd15mo ago
I scanned for threats, says no current threats, and says threat was removed you think i’m still at risk?
Wagon15mo ago
It is possible. I cannot say for sure.
filteredd15mo ago
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