virus not getting detected svchost.exe file
i have a virus on my computer, its not getting detected by Kaspersky, windows defender or virustotal.
but its clearly a virus, one of the parent files of the SVChost file is and it connects to a bunch of other ips and domains
how should i go about this? deleting the file does not help, it keeps coming back.
not very good at this 🙂
it is indeed a virus right?
thanks ❤️

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Hey hey! This is a host process, so IP and domain connections are expected behavior. If you have a sample of the IPs and domains, we can check them out. Now, you mentioned Where are you seeing that? It sounds kind of sketchy.
You could also try this out:

but im not really good at this, so it might be a misunderstanding from my side.
Definitely, that's not showing anything from your computer. That is basically just "these have been related in the past with all the data we've collected"", so it's not something to worry about
but, 800 MB in just 4 hours? 2 of those hours i was idle

and why is it connected to the explorer.exe file?

its a command file
that explorer.exe has 1 detection as malware?
ill leave it for now, i think im just paranoid
thanks alot ❤️
Yeah, the data you're seeing isn't a snapshot of your system, so don't worry about it lol