i need help with PE
i am not successful and there is no solution for this on google.
if anyone wants to try the machine send dm.
this is easy-medium level
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Please ask a more detailed question, don't try to lead conversations into DMs, because there's no way for us to tell if they are giving you correct information and don't ask for other people to solve challenges for you.
it is private machine
Ask a question about a specific thing you need help with and contains all relevant context.
If you want help, you need to tell us something
help with privilege escaltion
Did you even read my messages?
Not giving any details and few other things make me feel like you're trying to hack a real person and a challenge/"private machine" is a made up story.
I can send proofs from the course
Instead of trying to prove my feeling wrong and dropping individual bits of details one by one, why don't you ask about the thing you help with?
I don't succeed at all PE is my first time. It's on a Linux machine
I'm fuming. That tells nothing at all about what you're actually doing. Have you ran any enumeration scripts/what have you tried, how did you get in, what are you're current privileges, etc.
Anyways, try running linpeas or something.
Also please use the entire word instead of some abbreviation (especially when there is barely any context). Also I've never heard privesc being refered to as PE.
I'm too lazy to prescribe privesc
I tested a version of the machine
I used the exploit-db site
t80 is spot on. If you can provide some more details on the steps you've taken, what has/hasn't worked so far, and what you're stuck on, we can help here. This is a forum for collaboration, not DM solicitation
I tried many methods to get root access. It seems to me that I just missed something because I am not that experienced
What machine/CTF? What have you tried? Have you identified what the vulnerability is?
But if you're too lazy to give us the information that we would need to effectively help you, why would we waste our time trying to pry it out of you?
Everything I'd recommend is generally within Linpeas, so I'd re-read its output lol