Blocking ads via the Windows Firewall
Ad Blocker is a type of software whose purpose is to block advertisements that appear on websites. Chief among them is a browser add-on called AdBlock. The AdBlock mechanism includes many ways to identify advertisements and block them, among them by common words (ad for example), by behavior on the page and also by blacklists of IP addresses.
In the next exercise, you must go to Magashim's B&B reservation website ( and with the help of the Windows firewall, reach a state where no advertisements appear at all.
* Please note, if your browser already has an ad blocker running, you must suspend it before solving the exercise by clicking on Don't run on pages on this site.
If you succeeded, attach a screenshot of the "clean" website.
In addition, describe the rules you added and how you discovered that a letter should be added
49 Replies
I'm working on solving it myself, I should be able to give better feedback. Allow me a few minutes
ok thanks
Well, I was able to accomplish the task. It however wasn't in a very satisfactory manner. I used an ADBlock extension like mentioned. The one I used though just had me select elements on the site to hide, I didn't manually configure it at all. I assume this is a method of making it easier for most people to handle.
I don't think that will be satisfactory for the description requirements
ye but they told me to block theese ads on firewall how can i do that? what rule i need to add
what firewall are you using?

it will be specific to that
i just do windows + r and type firewall.cpl
so you know what i need to block on firewall the ip or port of that ad
How to Block any IP Address on Windows and Mac
You can block an IP address from your computer on Windows or Mac. It's also possible to block IP addresses on your network via your router.
you don't want to block the port no, that would prevent all https traffic
you want to add those ips to a blacklist
so i need to block this ip addresses

of the ad images
and that should help you with the description portion as well. Just tell them the steps you took and take a screenshot of the website.
ok thanks ill try it
do i need to incluse the ip:1234
or only ip
not that ip, that is for the website. If you block that you wont get any of the content you need
you want to selectively target just the ads
but this ip addres are the image one

oh, yeah. just the ip
that should cover all ports
ok ill try it
it still shows me the ad
did you block them all?
show me your rules
i just make rule on inbound and outbound and added this ip in custom
could I see the rules you created.
you only needed an outbound rule
oh so sec ill delete all of them and do again
follow that guide I sent, it should walk you through the steps precisely
i will show u step by step what i do

here i just do next right?

the protocol type, select http or https

there is no hhtp or https
i can do maybe tcp and add port 80
I believe its https so that wouldnt work
just leave it on any, IPv4 would have been the optimal choice but its not on there
oh I checked, it isn't https
but its also not port 80
they are requesting on port 1234 if I remember from your image
so just keep it on any?
I think that's the best option, we might have to revisit that though

like this right now click next?
no, switch
the top one you want to select any ip address
thats the local ip address it will apply to, ie the one that you are connecting to the internet with
and the remote ips are the ips that you are sending a request out to.
so i put the ip in the box down?
I think you can add your whole list there
and the i just do nslookup and take the ip?
or whois
if that is one of the ads, then yes

now click yes?
I will be away from my keyboard for about 15 minutes, I'll check back when I return
it worked thanks
No problem!