drdembel14mo ago

need help on AI

Hello i am a student and I have an end year project about detecting DNS attacks with AI but I don't know how to start. Can you give me some tips if you have some please?
22 Replies
Mongy14mo ago
Does the project involve creating your own AI or using a third party tool
_null14mo ago
You will need to get far more specific. What DNS attacks are you trying to detect? Do you have the data to train an AI on? What language and libraries? What are the project requirements?
drdembelOP14mo ago
They didn't give me a particular specification they just asked me to detect DNS attacks using AI. Maybe i should detect many types of attacks
_null14mo ago
To start, you will need to choose a programming language based on your personal preferences. After you have resolved that, select an AI library to assist in developing your DNS attack detection model. Pick the kind of AI model you want. Think about the various options depending on the type of data you are working with. Regarding DNS traffic management, you need to decide how to gather and possibly modify the data. Gather as much data as you can. It is ideal to have a large number of distinct normal DNS traffic instances. Next, replicate various DNS attack types, ensuring maximum diversity. After obtaining your data, divide it into two categories: one for typical traffic and the other for potential attacks. Create a reward system for your artificial intelligence. The categories you have used to sort your data should serve as the foundation for this function. It is similar to teaching your AI right from wrong in the DNS realm. Then train your model.
drdembelOP14mo ago
Thank you for the tips
Mongy14mo ago
Most tools would be within Python. scikit-learn and Tensorflow are two well known packages used in the industry in creating all kinds of AIs.
96Remix13mo ago
Vulnhub will definitely be useful for you
drdembelOP13mo ago
thanks i just opened it and it looks really useful
96Remix13mo ago
Yup and you can use api. Just got to suggest make sure you sandbox properly if your testing any maleware and analysis. If you need a path on learning any of that stuff I can make some suggestions ^,^
drdembelOP13mo ago
Thank you but i just got another project from them Could you help? It's about mobile software auditing
96Remix13mo ago
I'll need some details Bit more than a generalized subject, there's alot of types of mobile software. Websites adjusted to mobile phones could be called mobile software with the right precontext in writing Scopes an important thing in auditing
drdembelOP13mo ago
The subject id about making an application realizing auditing they say it has to analyze and find intrusion scripts in those application using tools and has to generate automatic reports
96Remix13mo ago
behavioral enumeration node could solve that with a few extra steps added.
drdembelOP12mo ago
I did some research to understand it and I also tried some platforms My tutor told me that i don't need to do a software application juste install tools for audit, collect logs and make a report. Also I should use Ai I looked for the behavioral enumeration node and it could help for that part
96Remix12mo ago
🙂 just mind how your deploying it. data analytics skills or jupytr skills come in handy for projects like that. making an initial data set or shall i say the rule or scope its to be focused on how the data is processed or exported. its not incredibly hard to make. dont entirely go by what a chat gpt or assistant helps you build. you could use docker or vmware , kubernates even. figure the entire process is in steps you can make it easier on yourself by documenting as you go so devops is easier to consider in practice securing it will come after building it
drdembelOP12mo ago
Thank you I'm actually working on it I'm using a solution called FRIDA to make the dynamic analysis of the app. right now I'm learning how it works to make performance, security and database tests i will then implement an IA for that part and continue on the other parts of the project (code review and others)
96Remix12mo ago
^,^ nice
drdembelOP12mo ago
since i'm new in this copilot is what I use to get some light
96Remix12mo ago
Check out csi linux sometime And it is a good way to start. I've been working on a fee unreleased things so far. Finally gotten to where I need to reinvest my time in ai a bit. Tuning a model is important as it goes further on , adjusting the responses with some personally is a good idea. Hardening it will be important to as it goes
drdembelOP12mo ago
what can i do with that? is it useful for my project?
96Remix12mo ago
Can't say exactly just a suggestion for the future it's a dfir os. ^,^ figure dfir is always useful to know for any job path in development
drdembelOP12mo ago
I saw it's used for digital forensic so it should be useful for digital forensic jobs Since i am on my last year of study i should find the path I have to take for my jobs

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