ZiL7mo ago

Malware how to remove

Can anyone help me with this program that showed ob my laptop i cant remove it , its called x firefox and only appewrs on task manager at start up i hv it disabled but i wanna remove it entirely
78 Replies
_null7mo ago
Hi Zil, Are you running any antivirus programs? An updated antivirus would likely be the easiest route to tackle that issue.
ZiL7mo ago
Hello null I tried running avg , malwarebyts , and the one the laptop has it but sadly none worked
_null7mo ago
When you go to the task manager and then the startup tab, is it listed?
ZiL7mo ago
Yes I cant open the file location on it
_null7mo ago
and if you disable it, does it stay disabled?
ZiL7mo ago
_null7mo ago
did you see if you could remove it from that add/remove programs?
ZiL7mo ago
Yes i did But it doesnt show there Not in the uninstall either
_null7mo ago
do you use firefox at all? or is it just the PUP?
ZiL7mo ago
I dont use it i deleted the program the first day i got the laptop since its new
_null7mo ago
is there anything at c:\firefox?
ZiL7mo ago
Lemme check There isnt
_null7mo ago
can you search your drive for firefox?
ZiL7mo ago
Tried rn but found nothing
_null7mo ago
is the process running? you tried opening the file location from task manager?
ZiL7mo ago
I cant open file location on task manager
_null7mo ago
what happens? just nothing? you right clicked on the process name and selected open file location?
ZiL7mo ago
No description
_null7mo ago
what about under the process tab or is it not running? I'm hesitant to send you to the registry but it's looking like that's what needs to be done
ZiL7mo ago
Nothing on process And is it normal for anti malware memory usage to stay 300-400 mb? I only hv task open rn
_null7mo ago
possibly, I don't know what software it is exactly so its hard to say I think I'm going to recomend downloading avast and updating it and then running a full scan I really don't want to send you to the registry if you aren't familar with working in it you can really damage a system
ZiL7mo ago
Ye i dont rly know much
_null7mo ago
ok let me walk you through avast
_null7mo ago
Avast | Download Free Antivirus & VPN | 100% Free & Easy
Join 435 million others and get award-winning free antivirus for PC, Mac & Android. Surf safely & privately with our VPN. Download Avast today!
_null7mo ago
download and install that go ahead and disable the other antiviruses after you've installed it
ZiL7mo ago
I hv none rn And download avast Rn installing
_null7mo ago
ok after it's downloaded go to the explore section, and then open the scan center actually first go the settings and make sure it's updated with the latest definitions then go to the scan center
ZiL7mo ago
Should i get premium or na?
_null7mo ago
ZiL7mo ago
_null7mo ago
I mean if you want to, but make sure it finds the problem first I don't
ZiL7mo ago
Yes sir Scanning right now
_null7mo ago
it should show up as a PUP Potentially Unwanted Program
ZiL7mo ago
Scanned but nothing showed as pup
_null7mo ago
you did a full scan?
ZiL7mo ago
A smart scan Idk if same
_null7mo ago
no, do a full scan.
ZiL7mo ago
_null7mo ago
it should take a long time it will anazlyze every file.
ZiL7mo ago
Done with it it says no malware found
_null7mo ago
how big is your harddrive?
ZiL7mo ago
If u mean gb then its 512
_null7mo ago
how full is the drive, I think it ran too quickly I don't see how you accomplished a full scan in 8 minutes
ZiL7mo ago
Well i hvnt downloaded much it has 292/512 It says 74gb used
_null7mo ago
that still seems awfully fast just with drive thorough put it should have taken over 30 minutes
ZiL7mo ago
Idk ill start it again
_null7mo ago
send me a screenshot of the scan
ZiL7mo ago
No description
_null7mo ago
ok well, let me think about what to have you do next. I guess you might need to search the registry ok win+r type regedit
ZiL7mo ago
Ill have to leave for 2hours if u dont mind puttin steps or if ur on then can i request your help? Also scan is almost done too
_null7mo ago
goto hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion you are then going to seach through the run folder looking for the firefox app then you are going to do two things. You are going to identify the folder it's running from and delete the registry key you then want to delete the programs folder be very very careful double, even tripple check that you have found the right program it's also possible that it hid it's keys in other areas, but I'm so very hesitant to have you start searching all over the registry
ZiL7mo ago
I would format laptop if it fixes problem but it had freedos before i put bios
_null7mo ago
... the bios would be independant of freedos it's the software that turns the hardware into a platform you couldn't run without it
ZiL7mo ago
So would formating the laptop fix the problem ? Since i havent put anything important
_null7mo ago
well, yes. Assuming its not part of a bootkit. but that's sort of the nuclear option and you need to be sure you have clean os images for reinstallation
ZiL7mo ago
Clean os as in it hasnt been corrupted right? I used usb stick then do i still need to hv it?
_null7mo ago
yes, meaning it isn't infected with malware I don't understand the second question
ZiL7mo ago
Like i used a usb stick to get windows 10 on my laptop
_null7mo ago
that doesn't mean the image was a clean image but it doesn't mean it's not too Generally speaking you only want to download images of windows from microsoft directly
ZiL7mo ago
I took it to a service shop so im not a 100%
_null7mo ago
I would avoid a full system wipe unless absolutely necessary it can open up a lot more issues
ZiL7mo ago
I see ill let you know if i can find it with the steps above since im out right now Thank you very much
_null7mo ago
Good luck!
DirtyJ7mo ago
@ZiL For anything that a regular AV doesn't find, I usually throw some 2nd opinion scanners at it like: NPE - https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/kb20100824120155EN KVRT - https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads/free-virus-removal-tool Hitman pro - https://www.hitmanpro.com/en-us I've seen folks take their laptops to questionable service shops (not saying that yours was at fault, but this is a possibility) that install a bunch of unwanted stuff on their devices. If everything comes back clean and you still get bad vibes, as long as you have backups of everything you need, a windows reinstall never hurt anyone (if anything you'll probably fix some other bs windows issues along the way lol)
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HitmanPro and HitmanPro.Alert. Advanced Malware Scanning, Detection...
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ZiL7mo ago
I see thank you Also is pc antivirus at 300-400 mbs memory run normal?
DirtyJ7mo ago
Depends on what it's doing, I wouldn't be able to tell you off the top of my head
ZiL7mo ago
How can i see that
DirtyJ7mo ago
Usually by opening the AV and checking if it's doing stuff
ZiL7mo ago
I mean it stays at that range constant even when i dont use it @_null im back So i found these
ZiL7mo ago
No description
ZiL7mo ago
Do i delete both the mozilla files? I see mozilla and firefox files do i delete them Removed them sadly its still thete There
_null7mo ago
did you read the keys before you deleted them? half of the point of going to the registry was looking at where the program is actually installed I think it's best to try some of the other tools, did you try some of what DirtyJ suggested?
ZiL7mo ago
I use hitman pro it showed this
No description
_null7mo ago
I've never used it, I need more context
ZiL7mo ago
I downloaded hitman pro after it scanned laptop it said it will reset laptop But ill prob leave the firefox be i think ill prob do more damage if i continue like this sadly Thanks for your help
_null7mo ago
Give your PC a Fresh Start - Microsoft Support
Fresh Start in Windows 10 lets you perform a clean reinstallation and update of Windows while keeping your personal data and most Windows settings intact.
DirtyJ7mo ago
that's a new one Try booting in safe mode and checking the log C:\ProgramData\HitmanPro\Logs
GH0ST[🇵🇸]7mo ago
use malwarebytes if nothing works do a clean install reinstall factory reset probably will do it