Xen4mo ago

Agent install to local machine without removing it from server terminal:

Hi all. Quick question. I need to install an application agent onto several local machines however when they login, it automatically directs them to the server terminal. When we try run the agent it asks me to remove the local machine off the server terminal. Any advice?
4 Replies
w33t4mo ago
Interesting. Can I ask what software you're deploying? Might help me better understand what exactly it is doing.
Xen4mo ago
Just made a work around, it’s called N-Central/ Take-Control for me to connect to a users machine. I had to manually add the devices with their IPs, names and configs. Got it sorted, but thanks for reaching out😁
w33t4mo ago
Oh good lord, I'm so sorry to hear that LOL. I worked for an MSP that used N-Central and it was always... weird. Glad you got it sorted though!
Xen4mo ago
It’s honestly not that bad, just really advanced for something that could be so easily simplified. thank you lol