Olivier3mo ago

Ioncube on a plesk server

Hi, I have vps with plesk on it, i am going to install ioncube on it because i have a website hosted (As a ''customer''.)that needs it for whmcs on the back to work. But because of it being hosted it has restricted rights to my server, it has it's own space and can't interact with the the main vps directories. Because of this, it can't see some files of the ioncube installed on my server.
23 Replies
DirtyJ3mo ago
Are you saying that PHP can't see the .php files in your web root or ioncube isn't running due to not being fully installed? Using the ioncube wizard (on their homepage) should show if it's been installed correctly, if it isn't, that's something that'll need to be turned on in Plesk if available If PHP can't see the files, then you're going to need to check that the web user and group recursively own all files and directories (chmod/chown) in the web root and can read/write to those files as needed
Olivier3mo ago
hi thank you for your response
Olivier3mo ago
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Olivier3mo ago
this is the message I am getting, see this txt file for a better overview of the paths
Olivier3mo ago
Is it okay if I private message you about giving a user access to these paths?
DirtyJ3mo ago
The user shouldn't have access to the global PHP configurations, though if you have root access to the Plesk server you can just
plesk bin php_handler --extension-install ioncube_loader -id plesk-php81-fpm
plesk bin php_handler --extension-install ioncube_loader -id plesk-php81-fpm
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Olivier3mo ago
Ofcourse, just for privacy reasons of my ip and users I will try it later this day, keeping you updated I do not really understand what you have written here do i need to copy and paste it 1 on 1? because that doesn't work
Olivier3mo ago
oh it did work in the websites space
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Olivier3mo ago
but now there is another problem I accidentally installed a php 8.3 version before I think was following a tutorial but it really messed things up don't really understand what this is saying exactly
DirtyJ3mo ago
This shows that ionCube for PHP 8.1 is successfully installed Do you have a new error or other issue appearing?
Olivier3mo ago
yeah but as you see whmcs still doesn't work
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DirtyJ3mo ago
I'd enable the display_errors directive in your php.ini temporarily or go check the error logs in the error_log directive file path (also in the ini)
Olivier3mo ago
this one?
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Olivier3mo ago
It is really weird, used cpanel before, and that always worked without issues. Plesk has better overview in my opinion, but is a bit more secure in a good and bad way
DirtyJ3mo ago
Viewing Website Error Log
To view the error log for a particular website Go to Websites & Domains > the site’s domain name > click ...