Yet another (skill) issue with my VM
Running into an error every time I try opening my Kali VM specifically, Metasploitable seems to be working fine. Anyone know how I can fix this?

23 Replies
is that the desktop version of kali
uh yeah
try 4gbs of ram
What do I need to do to do that
Because, 2gb is not alot. Most tools are gonna not work or be extremely slow with only 2gb. for example burp suite
Just do it, if it doesn’t work it rules it out, its called troubleshooting.
Its not like the ram is gone forever if you assign another 2 gbs
No like, how do I do that. Like what do I click on to assign space to it
idc about it's ram because I had nothing there which I needed, I was thinking of deleting the whole machine and reinstalling but that would take more time, given my slow mbps

increase the number from 2048 --> 4096
Ohkay thanks, I'll do that.
The options are greyed out

VM needs to be off
It is
The only thing that's open is the manager

And if you right click and go to settings its greyed out
oh, click discard saved state then try
Omg thanks so much 😭 it's working now

Do you still recommend adding those gbs to it? It's a tiny bit slow but doesn't very significantly affect performance
I would. You will need even more if you plan to use BurpSuite
I've used burpsuite on this before but haven't faced issues before
Then again I didn't really 'use' it, just navigated around a bit. Never tried intercepting requests on it so far
which might make it slower

Well I guess it would still run. But there's no harm in increasing the space anyway (I hope)
not really, over allocating at worst means a crash in most cases. Now over allocating storage can be not so good but most operating systems wont let that happen
I give my VMs 8GB